About me !
My name's Nethal (or Em). I'm some guy who pretends to be a hyena on the internet :P. If you think you know me in real life, no you don't hahaha ! That'd be kinda awkward... Anyways, if you like this corner of the internet, here's my profile link https://neocities.org/site/nethals-brainz. I intend to put my game and movie reviews on this website, but in the meantime they're only available on my blog...
I do many many things, such as drawings, video games, comics, crafts and sometimes even music ! My dream is to become a gamedev, and I don't want to wait until I'm done with my studies to archieve this dream. Check out My Creations if you are interested !
In the meantimes (because let's be real, my website's still a bit empty :/ ), here are some stuff I really like : My Nintendo 3DS XL, it's my favorite console ! I hacked her and it was the best decision of my life rofl. Some of my favorite 3DS games include : Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Team Aqua forever !!), the Ace Attorney series, Luigi's Mansion 2, Kid Icarus, Fantasy Life, and many more. I'm also a huge Kirby fan ^^. Other videogames I really like are : Elebits, Mario Galaxy, Sonic (in general, more the character than the actual game tho), the Half-Life series, Team Fortress 2 (also more the characters, but the game's fun too !). The Wii is my second favorite console. My third favorite would be the DS. Trauma Center and Another Code : Two Memories are excellent DS games.
I also REALLY LIKE music ! I mostly listen to emo, goth, power metal and dark cabaret, but I like a lot more. Some of my favorite bands are : My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, (early) Panic! At The Disco, Will Wood, Devo, Oingo Boingo, Project Pitchfork, Die Form, Front 242, Set It Off, Lemon Demon, Emilie Autumn, Sopor Aeternus and the Enseble of Shadows, Powerwolf, Wind Rose, Bloodbound, Orden Ogan, Steam Powered Giraffe, Black Dresses, FAKE TYPE, Alestorm, A Verbal Equinox, Tweny One Pilots, Get Scared, IC3PEAK, Mother Mother, Ghost and Pals, That Handsome Devil and more...
Another thing I really really like is cartoons ! My favorite is Probably My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic. I also like Invader Zim, South Park, Danny Phantom, Dexter's Laboratory, Johnny Test...
Also yeah. Dragons. And collecting bones from dead animals, that's a lot of fun too
I also have a shit ton of interests. I'm planning on writing a small article on each piece of media that I enjoy. Kinda like my blog, but with more details.
I collect things as well ! Both physical (dragon items) and digital (virtual pets).
I think that the internet is a wonderful place, full of creative people who wish to share their ideas and their creations. Seeing all of this human creativity is wonderful ! It gives me hope about what we could become
I think that the internet is also a shitty place. Full of people who are lying. Full of people with ill intentions. Behind our screens, there is no way of knowing who we talk to, which is both a curse and a blessing.
By making this website, I wish to share my creations, my thoughts and other things that I might not usually share with people. Like I said, hiding behind a screen allows us more freedom, more leverage to share things that we wouldn't have the courage to share otherwise, and maybe that way someone who is like-minded will find what we share. This is, in my opinion, the best use of the internet. Sharing, being ourselves and connecting with people who understand us.
That's what I want this website to be : a place for me to express myself in a way I would't otherwise be able to. If you dislike what I do, you are free to leave this website !
By the way, this website contains HIDDEN PAGES !!! There is currently 1 hidden page. A hint : in order to find it, think outside the box ',:)
Have a blast !